
Photo by Özlem Şimşek

Ahu Akgun (1985) born in Istanbul, Turkey

Academic Background

2022- … Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, P.H.D, Department of Painting, Istanbul, Turkey

2015-2018  Sabancı University, Master’s Degree, Visual Arts and Communications Design, Istanbul, Turkey

2009-2010  Burg Giebichenstein Hochschule für Kunst und Design, Master’s Degree, Department of Painting and Textile, Halle, Germany

2006-2007  Münster Kunstakademie, Erasmus Exchange Program, Münster, Germany

2004-2009  Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Undergraduate Degree, Department of Painting, Istanbul, Turkey

Artist Residences and Collaborations

2023 Dou Print Litography Studio, Ankara, Turkey

2022 June Gate 27, Ayvalık , Turkey


2019  37th Akbank Contemporary Artists Prize

2015  Nuri İyem Painting Awards, display

2009  Sakıp Sabancı Art Awards, Painting, 3rd prize

Selected Group and Solo Exhibitions

2022  “Voids”, solo exhibition, Mixer

2022  “Rounded by Sleep”, group exhibition, curated by Eda Berkmen, ARTER

2021  “Wizard and the Garden”, group exhibition, curated by Can Akgümüş, Erimtan Archaeology and Arts Museum

2021 “Past Present İstanbul”, group exhibition, curated by Murat Germen, Sakıp Sabancı Museum

2021  “Atış Serbest – Mecmu”, group exhibition, Barın Inn

2021  “Olympos Exhibitions II- Landscape”, group exhibition, curated by Taner Ceylan, Zulfaris Synagogue

2020  “A Reason To Visit”, Mixer, solo exhibition, Istanbul

2020  “Us Actually”, group exhibition, curated by director Can Kilcioglu, Mixer, Istanbul

2019  Akbank Contemporary Artist Prize Exhibition, Akbank Art Center, Istanbul

2019  “Atış Serbest -5”,  group exhibition, MSGSU Tophane-i Amire Culture and Art Center, Cistern Galleries, Istanbul

2018  “Over and Over”, group exhibition, Mixer, Istanbul

2018  “Atış Serbest -4”, group exhibition, MSGSU Tophane-i Amire Culture and Art Center, Cistern Galleries, Istanbul

2016  Mamut Art Project, group exhibition, Istanbul

2015  “Nuri Iyem Painting Awards 2015” Exhibition, Evin Art Gallery, Istanbul

2013  “Memories of the Forgotten”, curated by Artshift, Adahan, Istanbul

2019  “Sakip Sabanci Art Awards” exhibition, Sakip Sabanci Museum, Istanbul

Selected Art Fairs

2022    17. Contemporary İstanbul

2022    Artweeks Akaretler

2022    Nada New York, solo exhibition

Artist Collectives

2021  The coordination of group exhibition “Atış Serbest – Mecmu” (with Ayça Telgeren, Levent Aygül, Çağrı Saray, Volkan Kızıltunç)

2018  The coordination of group exhibition “Atış Serbest-4” (with Ayça Telgeren, Levent Aygül, Volkan Kızıltunç)

2016 (ongoing)  HAH Artist Collective (co-founded with Sevgi Aka, Ayça Telgeren, Defne Tesal, Gizem Karakaş, Murat Yıldız)

Selected Collective Works

with Defne Tesal,

2021  “Supposition”, video performance and accompanying drawing series as part of the group exhibition “Atış Serbest – Mecmu” with the exhibition    coordination team at Atış Serbest,

2021  “Atış Serbest – Mecmu”, group exhibition, with the support of SAHA Association, (Artists: Aslı Dinç, Burak Dikilitaş, Levent Türkan, Volkan Kızıltunç, Ayça Telgeren, Çağrı Saray, Memed Erdener, Elif Çelebi, Şule Nur Alev, Elvan Ekren, Güneş Çınar, Vahit Tuna, Ahu Akgün, Defne Tesal, Can Aytekin, Levent Aygül, Atalay Kam Yeni, Güneş Terkol, Didem Erbaş, Erhan Özışıklı), Barın Inn

2019  “Atış Serbest – 4”, group exhibition,  (Artists: Ahu Akgün, Ayça Telgeren, Can Aytekin, Defne Tesal, Devrim Karakuş, Ekin Saçlıoğlu, Erhan Özışıklı, Güçlü Öztekin, Güneş Çınar, Güneş Terkol, Hayri Ağan, Komet, Levent Aygül, Sami Baruh, Volkan Kızıltunç, Yaşam Şaşmazer, Yiğit Altıparmakoğulları), Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Tophane-i Amire Culture and Arts Center Cistern Galleries 

with HAH,

2019  “Digestion Programme: Processor”, invited by Birbuçuk Kolektif, 16th Istanbul Biennial, Mimar 

Sinan Fine Arts University  Museum of Painting and Sculpture

2018  “HAH Calender” 2018 Calendar, HAH members together with Sena Başöz, Lara Ögel, Romina Meriç, Sevgi Aka, Uzay Kere, Beste Kopuz, Onur Ceritoğlu. Published by Art unlimited

2018  “There is Another Possibility: About Open Space and Artist Collectives”, Kasa Gallery

2017  “MÇPS”, İMÇ5533, HAHasks: reading performance

2017  “Maybe, We will Benefit from Our Neighbor’s Good Fortune”, group exhibition, Halka Sanat Project

2017  “Vesile”, group exhibition, HAH members together with Etem Şahin, Lara Ögel, Selim Birsel, HAH Mekan

Selected Performances

2017  Curated by Her Hal Kolektif, “Repetition-cycle Talks and Performance Series”, Dila Yumurtacı’s performance entitled “Transcending the Senses”, Salt Galata, Istanbul

2017  Curated by Ayça Ceylan and Pınar Derin Gençer, “To Remember-To Forget” Self-service Art Performance Days, Dila Yumurtacı’s performance entitled “Transcending the Senses”,  Palazzo Tibaldi, Istanbul

2017  As part of the exhibition entitled “Vesile”, Gizem Karakaş’s performance entitled “We Remember After Joe Brainard ve Georges Perec”, HAH Mekan, Istanbul

2017  Curated by Seyhan Musaoğlu and Simge Burhanoğlu, “How are You?” Mamut Performances, Dila Yumurtacı’s performance entitled “Transcending the Senses”,Mamut Art Project, Istanbul

Selected Publications and Catalogues

2022  “Voids”, Exhibition Catalogue, published by Mixer

2022  “Rounded by Sleep”, Exhibition Catalogue, published by ARTER, (pp. 6-8)

2021  “Tell Me Your Story”, published by Paper Street Co. With the contribution of the Consulate   General of Israel and Gnat Micro Press. (pp. 114-123)

2021  “Tuhaf Duygular, Tuhaf Diyaloglar”, Book Cover, Author: Ebru Ceylan, Doğan Kitap

2021  “Past Present İstanbul”, Exhibition Catalogue (pp. 38-43)

2021 Moero Fanzine, 3rd Issue (Home),

2021  Oympus Exhibitions II – Landscape, Exhibition Catalogue (pp. 86-93)

2020  Mangal Media, an illustration for the article entitled “The First Pop Song I Remember” by Sezgin İnceel and İlker Hepkaner

2019  37th Akbank Contemporary Artists Prize, Exhibition Catalogue, (pp. 22-27)

2018  HAH Calendar, published by Art Unlimited.

2017  “Vesile” Exhibition Catalogue, published by HAH.

© 2023 Ahu Akgün. All Rights Reserved.