oil paint on canvas, photo block, press canvas, hardboard, canvas cloth
site-specific installation
various sizes
Since I was a kid I had myopia. Furthermore, I suffer from a condition in my eyes which lowers my vision to 30 percent....continue reading
This me fear that I will miss the details in my daily life. I used to carry binoculars. Now I often use the zoom-in features of smart phones instead. I take photographs of landscapes I would not be able to see with my naked eye: faces I would not be able to perceive, a tree shadow I am not able to experience, a mountain I am not able to climb, a flying plane I am not on, a house I am not able to enter. I tried to focus on these however taking photographs of these distant and untouchable places was not sufficient for me to eliminate the gap in between. I had to paint these to get real close. While painting I get closer; it becomes familiar; and I begin to memorise these spaces as if spending time there. I become the one I depict; I have been in the place that I paint. In this manner, the distance and my physical handicap disappear and these places turn into my frequented spaces.
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