oil paint on canvas
410×190 cm
oil paint on canvas
410×190 cm
oil paint on canvas
410×190 cm
oil paint on canvas
410×190 cm
These series of polyptych paintings refer to a children’s game that targets the weak one in the group....continue reading
In the life-sized series of paintings (1-2-3), the scenes display the stages of people gathering to play this game. Even as a children’s game, it implies the analogy to the hierarchical structure of the system we are living in. The game becomes a representation of having one’s hands tied in relation to power. Also, it is an energetic, action based game. In the “underdog-4”, I depict the life sized figures on an unbalanced platform trying to remain standing, even when they are aware that they are going to collapse. The figures are blurry as if they are just the viewers of the game or going to participate.
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